Monostringer Staircase

In order to maintain a 36" tread width a cap system was created to weld the railing to the exterior of the tread this created a rhythm that was maintained with various elements within the other systems. Stainless steel cable was blackened, and fished through the uprights, aligned at the turnbuckles to maintain continuity. This rhythm and continuity is also visible within the spacing of the uprights evenly parsed through the entire piece.

There are two patina's on this piece, the stringer has a dark black with a matte finish and the railing system has a slight bluing with a satin finish.
As a cherry on top - cladding the face of the balcony with patinated steel as a subtle color variation and matte finish further demonstrated the relationship between the two finishes. As the railing notches into the existing walnut flooring and expresses its highlights and emergence into the composition from the center of the matte finished base lower register.


Serving Tray Prototype


Winter Doors