Temper and Grit is operated by Nicholas Volpe who holds a Masters of Science in Architecture from the Architectural Assocation School of Architecture. Nick brings more than 15 years of design and fabrication experience having designed everything from hospitality FF&E packages, sculpture, and architectural products.
The video above is a brief investigation into the reactive system that was developed to cold bend timber in the round over time relative to the environmental conditions of the place. These conditions inform the behavior and potential of the time. Each location in which the machine operates would derive varying results relative to the climactic conditions in which the timber grew, and was bent. In this video, we look at its operation in Hooke Park.
The video above is a brief look at a process developed to peel a small cedar log with a lathe and a KUKA-robot. The results are investigated in the portfolio at the top. Subsequent speculations suggest the potential for a fluted shingle system derived from the process.